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  • Writer's picturePatnaair Ambulance

Importance of Advanced Life Support Ambulance (Cardiac Ambulances) for emergency cases In Patna

Advanced Life support (ALS) ambulances, also known as Cardiac Ambulances in Patna, are designed specifically to assist patients suffering from cardiac diseases, which are among the deadliest killers known to man today. These diseases affect the patient’s circulatory system, blood vessels, heart muscle, valves, or rhythm. Often, the blood vessels of such patients become narrow or blocked, leading to chest pain, heart attacks, or strokes, eventually resulting in death. Cardiac diseases are today the leading cause of deaths in India, owing to factors like lack of access to quality healthcare, and the timely availability of appropriate Ambulance services in Patna.

These 60 minutes encompass the “golden hour”, post which, the patient’s chances of survival decline rapidly, owing to the raised damage suffered by the heart muscle.

This highlights an urgent need for population-level policies, and the implementation of preferable local, regional, and national emergency health services, especially with regards to ALS or cardiac ambulances. These Ambulances in Patna are furnished with a ventilator, defibrillator, oxygen cylinder, electrocardiography (ECG) machine, and a monitoring device, to address life-threatening situations like cardiac arrests and emergencies which require providing oxygen and respiratory support to critically sick patients. However, despite having never had a structured system for addressing medical emergencies with Road ambulances services in Patna, a dismally low number for a country with such a huge population.

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